Now I am come again with biography of world's richest person and he is also known for his hardworking Nature, politeness, and many others impressive skills None other than ..

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                           MR. BILL GATES

EARLY LIFE - full name William henry gates takes a birth on earth 28 october 1955. He  born and raised in seatle  Washington united states of America.

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Family His father was a prominent lawyer, and his mother served on the board of directors for interstate in U.SEarly in his life, Gates observed that his parents wanted him to pursue a law career. His wife name is Melinda gates. Melinda began dating with bill gates in year in 1987 and got married in year 1994 ceremony held in lanai, Hawai. Mr. Gates have three children's.

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Education - At 13 he enrolled in the lakeside prep school where he wrote his first software program and with the passage of time his interest regarding software development increase. In the age of 17 gates formed a venture with Allen called traf-o-data it generally based upon Intel 8008 processor and in year 1973 he enrolled in Harvard university for completing his further study.

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Hobbies - Mr. Gates is very simple and polite nature guy and he always love to do reading books, playing music instruments and do charity for poor and needy people.

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HOUSE - He lives in a such a luxurious villa that is located in Washington the value of this house around $143 million USD.

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NET WORTH - He get Name and Fame all over the world because of his unmatchable skills and his net worth around $99.5billion USD (April 2020).

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MOST IMPORTANT THING ABOUT Mr. Gates He is always saying :-
* Your most Unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.

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Q:-What happened if gates not choosing I.T field...? 
Give me answer in the comment box.

To know more about Mr.bill gates go their.